Rajat Nayar Bollywood Astrologer Rajat Nayar Astrologer in Ahmedabad

New Delhi (India) Office Ph. Nos.: (0) 93500 59046, (0) 93500 59047, (0)92127 55361, (0) 92127 55362    E-mail : - rajatnayar23@gmail.com

Introduction of Mr. Rajat Nayar, Achievements & Awards, Press Releases of Mr. Rajat Nayar, Consultancy Services Offered, Testimonials & Appreciations, Rajat Nayar Contact Detail, Payment Options

Consultation Services


Vastu Home


Rajat Nayar Astrology


Rajat Nayar Numerology


Rajat Nayar Feng Shui


Vastu shastra


Astrological Study of Planets by Rajat Nayar




feng shui office


Tarot Card


Online Palmistry


Vastu Yantra Rajat Nayar




Best, Famous & Top Astrologer Juhu, Mumbai


There are times in life where the sheer pace at which the wheels of life are turning may send us into frenzy. We may take risks hoping for great rewards but sometimes, you just end up losing the bet and life ends up toppling your balance. You may lose your friends, family and every single person who you ever thought would help you in life may turn their back against you.

In these situations, you can feel tired of fighting against odds and feel hopeless of coming out of the current situation. In a city like Mumbai where luck overturns every day and things can go from the hilt to absolute rock bottom, it is very necessary to understand how you can cement the steps to a better career, personal or family life. Problems come and go; that’s just how life is but if you let them get out of hand for too long, these problems may possibly consume your life.

But, what do you do about problems in the city of dreams that do not seem to have any solutions? Astrology is the answer to all your questions. Astrology, an effective ancient science and astrologers in Juhu can help you find problems to all disputes in life by interpreting the effect of the alignment of stars.

Who is Rajat Nayar?

Shri Rajat Nayar is a renowned astrologer in Juhu and other areas who with his two decades worth of experience in the field of astrology and other related sciences such as Vastu Shastra, palmistry etc. has helped many people find success and peace. Being a Vastu expert, a numerologist in Pune, a palmist etc., he is the one who eminent personalities and the common man approach alike for problem resolution.

Why Rajat Nayar?

Experience and wisdom combined, the sheer amount of extensive research to which Shri Rajat Nayar has dedicated himself allows him to come up with astrological solutions for his patrons. The knowledge of these fields has made him a reputed astrologer who is not only a well known name for celebrities, eminent politicians, businessmen etc. but also led him to make scores of people understand just how these divine sciences help. This is the reason for his illustrious career on TV as well.

Some of his services include:

  • Astrology
  • Business/ Career Consultancy
  • Match making
  • Consulting on Pregnancy and child birth
  • Feng Shui
  • Numerology
  • Gemmological advice
  • Vaastu Shastra
  • Clairvoyance etc.

If you need assistance in any kind of field of study which is covered under astrology or need betterment in life, please get in touch with renowned astrologer Rajat Nayar. We have dedicated domestic and international phone lines which ensure that you reach us in the least time possible.

We also take appointments for personal consultations.






Astrology Services for Celebrity


Consultation By Phone Is Also Available Subject To Prior Payment Only


Only One Consultation Can Change Your Life


No Jantar No Mantar No Tantar


Birth Data & Predictions are confidentials


Your Privacy Is Our Promise


Vastu Flat


Tarot Cards


Feng Shui Interiorplan




Office Interior


Planets numbers


Vastu Shastra Rajat Nayar


Tarot Cards Rajat Nayar


Palm Reading Rajat Nayar